Video: Bunker Jam Golf Event

It’s been a long summer of golf in glorious UK sunshine so we wanted to make our end of season Bunker Jam a fun event.

It took place at The Nottinghamshire on an incredibly sunny September day.

In case you missed what it was all about, every other hole was something fun.


HOLE 2: Bunker Power Play: Nominate a player and that person gets double points for the team for this hole.

HOLE 4: Ball of Doom: Each of you must delve into the mystery pouch to see which club they will have to tee off with.

HOLE 6: Classic Club Challenge: Take yourself back to the 1970’s. Pick one of these classic clubs to tee off with

HOLE 8: Texas Scramble: Nice and easy standard texas scramble.

HOLE 10: Beer or Water? Hit the fairway get a bottle of Navigation Beer, miss and it’s water for you. (Sponsored by Navigation Beer)

HOLE 12: Beat The Pro: Can you get your ball closer that European Seniors Tour winner Paul Streeter?

HOLE 14: All To Count: All 4 scores count on this hole

HOLE 16: 1 hole 1 club: This hole is in the hands of Bunker’s MD Tamasine. She has picked the club you have to use everywhere except the putting green.

HOLE 18: John Letter 5 Wood tee shot & putt with your Driver.

We had 8 teams take part and got incredibly lucky with the weather.

After their rounds everyone enjoyed a beer and pizza, sliders and pasta on the terrace to soak up the last of the sunshine.

Prize time. Nearest the pin was won by Rob Flair from Laceby Manor.

2nd Place with 94 points was: Marcus, Rob, Paul J and Paul S

1st Place: Shaun, Jason, Mel and Roger.

Massive thank you to The Nottinghamshire for letting host the event and sponsors Navigation Brewery and Foreace Golf Balls for supporting the day